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LibreOffice mega Christmas interview


In many countries in the world, Christmas is celebrated as time of peace. In olden days, in the Northern hemisphere, it was the mid-winter celebration – looking towards the new light to come. Nowadays, sharing presents is a popular activity at Christmas time.
So, let’s look at what presents LibreOffice has left under the tree… Ah, this is clearly the outline of a new major version: 3.5 :-)

I’ll try to unwrap this present a little, looking beneath the shiny paper.
What do I see: hundreds and hundreds of code commits, which talk about ‘clean up’, ‘rework’, ‘remove’, ‘easy hack’. Sounds like tech-talk to me. So how is this a great present to users?
I decided to talk to some developers, in an attempt to get an explanation about what all this work means – to mere mortal office-users like (probably) you and me ;-) Simply: what improvements, in which areas, can we see now or in the long run, as result of all this hard work?

Below you find the result of my search. Some parts are technical, some parts really talk about features for users.
I have stress that I was only able to cover a small part of all people and all the work … Nevertheless I hope you like the (greater) present.

Fast building

An important part of the software development process is ‘building’: converting the source code written by developers into something that we can download and install. But building is also important for developers, to prove that their work is OK, that it works as expected, or fixes the bug, and does not break something.

So developers need to build. Frequently. Quickly. So this is where Norbert Thiebaud has a story to tell:
“Yes, my efforts are aimed at making the build process fast and reliable, to give good reliable ‘tinderboxes’ with fast turn-around and useful feedback, so that in turn other developers can have feedback on their work for platforms they do not have access too, and QA can have builds more regularly and more frequently so they can test early…”

The latest buzz word for that is ‘continuous integration’. Code is reviewed and committed quickly: ideally as soon as possible. So then you also need quick feedback. The ‘tinderboxes’ Norbert tells about are machines that produce builds automatically, on all kind of platforms. Then there is a ‘tinderbox-server’, that reports about the status and builds, on a daily basis.

Norbert again: “This means that I do punctual fixing to try to keep my tinderboxes green :-) , i.e. they work properly, so that the server shows a green “OK” sign. We are making great progress with tinderboxes. In this month of December, we are at a rate of 100+ builds a day. Back in April, that was only about 30!”

Lionel Elie Mamane, who will talk later about Base, also contributed in the field of building: “In my early days of getting started building LibreOffice, I stumbled upon a few things that annoyed me in the config/build system, so I fixed them.

“One annoyance was that there was a mysql-connector file that would be downloaded after configure finished, but yet configure failed when the file was not there. A catch-22 :) and now that I fixed that, there is a smoother ‘first build’ experience for newcomers.

“Other small things involved stopping the unnecessary creation of many symlinks (so giving a speed improvement here), and enabling colours in the build output for 256 colours, instead of the the old standard 16. This makes development easier, as compilation errors stand out in colour on the screen.”

Proper release building

Builds that are to be released must of course must be good ones. Petr Mladek tell us how this works: “Most of my work is related to producing all official builds, so code wise that means that I fixed build problems. And of course a lot more build related stuff. Since there was one build almost every week, I spent a lot of time with it. Beside that I helped to merge useful scripts from the old build repository. They help package maintainers to provide LO for different Linux distributions. There were many more people helping with this.”

Since builds are also used by QA volunteers for testing, special work was done for that too. “One of the items was fixing Linux packages, so that the different 3.x releases can be installed in parallel. It is useful especially for testers but also for normal users. I also added more precise version information, e.g. beta2, to the the ‘about’ dialog. It should help testers and users to better describe the installed application and provide better bug reports.”

Easy-hacks as a good starter

Now, some words from Olivier Hallot, one of the founding members of The Document Foundation: “LibreOffice code was a challenge for me since the OOo days. I succeeded in compiling it, and the next step was naturally to try one of the easy-hacks suggested by the developers. I found these easy-hacks the best way to get knowledgeable in C++ coding, and I started to fix some UI issues I found in my language. From a simple hobby to a more serious job, now I am involved into the enhancement of LibreOffice. Plenty of fun times!”

Cleaning up: for improving and easy developing

Easy developing .. well, as easy as possible! Tor Lillqvist is one of the developers who worked on that: “I cleaned out many obsolete bits and pieces. This makes it easier to start developing, there is less obsolete or irrelevant stuff to waste time looking at.”

Part of the work Tor does is related to enabling cross-compilation:
“Cross-compilation makes it possible to develop on a fast machine for slower machines, or for machines not running a desktop operating system at all. So now on Linux you can produce an executable for Windows, but not an installer yet. The Lanedo people are working on this.”

Though not directly related to this clean/improvement interview, Tor also wants to add something different: “Yes, for iOS and Android the compilation part is finished too, just a few days ago. But be careful: in no way does that mean there is a version already running on those devices. Just that people interested in working on the UI side now have a solid base to work upon.”

Lionel Elie Mamane also did some general code cleanups:
“I removed unnecessary const casts, unused variables, … This makes the code more maintainable, easier to understand, etc. Const casts are ‘holes’ drilled through a safety feature of C++! So removing them when they serve no purpose helps to catch future programming errors.”

A special cleanup case was the old OpenOffice <-> PostgreSQL driver. “That was ‘bitrotten’ as we say. It only worked up to version 3.2 .. So I reworked it: integrated the native LibreOffice <-> PostgreSQL driver into LibreOffice proper, enhanced it, ported it to the latest LibreOffice version. Lots of advantages for PostgreSQL access obviously.”

Code readability

If you want to make it easy for part-time developers, students, beginners and so forth to work on the code, then good readability of the code is very helpful. There are many examples. Olivier tells about a easy hack that aims to replace the test for strings inside the code: “Previously, to test when a string is empty, you had to get the length of the string. If it is zero, the string was empty. Recently, a new method isEmpty() was written for the same purpose. The job is then to replace getLength() by isEmpty() in all the code: a very laborious task. But the end result of this re-factoring is much better code readability.”

What can users see ?

Working with RTF documents gets better

While others work on general code clean up, the work of Miklos Vanja with regard to cleaning/replacing is strongly focussed in one area. Miklos:
“During the last two summers I have been working on the Writer RTF filters. Both the export and the import filters were old code, with known design issues. So it was time to redo and create new ones. Export was new in 3.3, import will be new in 3.5. Now that makes it possible too to add features in our RTF which have been missing for a long time, such as nested table support, which was introduced by Word 2000 in RTF.”

Miklos always welcomes example documents which are not yet fully handled by the new filters, so that the import can be further improved.


Improved testing, especially in Calc, is also worth a note. Markus Mohrard is working there: “One of the areas that I have been active in is automated testing work. This really makes the work of developers easier, and reduces the risk of introducing bugs in new and changed functions. Our Calc filters-tests are a particularly nice way to discover bugs quite early. They showed around 15 really nasty Calc bugs, and at least two older bugs in LibreOffice core. From the bug number we see that these are mostly newer bugs that might not yet have been addressed in OOo, and some are our own bugs.”

Markus points out these are new tests, that are fast and reliable, and are run during most developers’ compilation flow – so we can be sure: if it compiled, it will not have these regressions. He stresses that it is not only important, but also really easy, to extend the tests!

“What I did was to download all ods, xls and xlsx files from several bugzilla instances and used this filters-test concept to check if any of these files crash Calc during import, or during the initial calculation of the content. This showed another set of bugs that Kohei, Eike and I fixed before we branched 3.5 off.
“More than 4,000 documents were checked with this approach, which has already significantly improved 3.5.0.”

Another developer: “I removed some unused code and fixed bugs, mainly some that were already introduced in 3.4, and some in master that went unnoticed, or indeed were reported.”. This is from Eike Rathke.

Speeding up

Eike Rathke is one of the long established developers we know from Sun/OpenOffice.org. He starts off by talking about his vacation:
“Summer was so poor in July/August that I started to work on LibreOffice ;-) I joined RedHat in October, the Monday right after the LibreOffice conference. One of the things that I reworked then, was the class ‘Date, Time and DateTime’. In the old code, the system time was obtained every time during construction. This is unnecessary just to declare a variable. Together with related checking and updating, this resulted in many many unnecessary system calls, which are now not happening any more in 130 out of approximately 350 occurrences. “I expect to have gotten rid of a gazillion of calls to localtime with this change :-) Sorry, no real numbers on that.

“Of course I also fixed a lot more code, reported and unreported bugs, the work that “Moggi” Markus Mohrhard has talked about. And I merged some fixes from CWSs pending from (A)OO(o) still under LGPL, and applied/pushed patches. I also helped Moggi improve the Calc named ranges/expression handling, especially with sheet-local names and copy & paste behaviour. “


Moving on to Base, Lionel has a lot to tell:
“Overall, I’d say I focus on making Base (with scripting) usable again, because I want to use it at my daily job, to replace the Microsoft Access-based business-specific programs I developed in the past. And it was quite broken in early 3.4. Further I fixed some user-visible bugs, e.g.: margins in reports; better, more widely supported, syntax for reporting based on a query + sort; fixed several crashes, fixed PDF-export.

“Maybe most important of all is that I re-enabled ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) on Windows; yet another “common API” for access to SQL databases.” He also made enhancements to passwords, metadata, queries, joins:
“With my work in LibreOffice mostly I ‘scratch my itch’, and I take care of bugs and features where I feel uniquely interested and/or competent: database stuff!”

Lionel stresses that the LibreOffice community has been exceptionally welcoming and quick about recognising his efforts.
[Let me (reporter) remark that it looks a nice idea to have a post somewhere with little more details on Lionel's work.]

Various easy hack-UI improvements

Olivier Hallot was glad to spend time on several easy hacks, resulting in better usability, interface etc.:
“One hack is about improving the extension manager dialog. Now it allows the user to filter the installed extensions, de-cluttering the dialog and easing the search for an installed extension. Another simple one is adding the command ‘Protect Sheet’ to the sheet guides context menu. I also added 8 new symbols to LibreOffice Math, used in game theory equations. The demand came from a college math professor.”

One of the interesting parts of LibreOffice of course is the localisation. Sometimes that results in strings that are so much longer then the English ones, that the texts don’t fit .. Olivier: “Therefore I made several adjustment in the dialog boxes, to accommodate non-English strings, which are a bit longer and were truncated in the UI.” Another example of improved UI readability.

So, what a Christmas present! And this is only a small snapshot from a few of the hackers we managed to drag away from bug-fixing the 3.5.0 betas – there have been many more, more visible improvements – you can see some in the 3.5 wiki page

Thanks for all that supported our first LibreOffice 3.5 bug hunting session !


Last Thursday evening late, the first LibreOffice 3.5 bug hunting session was finished.
And with success. During two days about 150 people extra visited our IRC channel, evaluated bugs and submitted new ones. More then 70 bugs were filed.

The most bugs were reported by Gustavo Pacheco, who for the moment is our official Bug Hunting Hero. It is not sure for how long he may use that title: on January 20 and 21, there will be a next Bug Hunting Session, so new chances for our supporters to help make LibreOffice 3.5.0 the best free office suite ever!

Again a big thanks for all!

FOSDEM dev-room slides …


This FOSDEM we had a popular LibreOffice Dev-Room, with many interesting talks focused on a technical audience. Starting from Italo’s overview of where we’re at as of now, and moving into how to how to write filters, the code structure of our major components, how to get involved with easy hacks, and more.

If you missed some of that, the slides are now available (where there were slides) in our wiki, please do check them out.

LibreOffice auf der Cebit 2012


Die Document Foundation (Stiftung) wird auf der Cebit 2012 auf dem Stand des Vereins
“Freies Office Deutschland e.V.” (Halle 2, Stand D 64/2) vertreten sein. Besucher
können dort  sowohl Fragen rund um die gerade in Berlin gegründete Stiftung mit
Mitgliedern des Vorstandes besprechen wie auch  sich zu der Office-Suite LibreOffice
informieren, deren Entwicklung von der Stiftung maßgeblich organisiert und gefördert wird.

Neben Präsentationen zu LibreOffice und Spezialthemen rund um die Office-Suite am
Messestand werden Mitglieder des (erweiterten) Vorstandes der Stiftung drei Vorträge
im Forum Open Source (Halle 2, Stand E 56) und im Vortragsbereich der Firma Univention
(Halle 2, Stand D48 ) halten. So wird am Donnerstag 8.3.2012 um 13.45 Uhr Florian
Effenberger, Mitglied im Vorstand der Stiftung, im Forum Open
Source unter dem Titel “Die Document Foundation – 18 Monate danach” den Weg bis zur
Genehmigung der Stiftung in Berlin aufzeigen. Dem folgt am Freitag 9.3.2012 um
14.00Uhr im Vortragsbereich von Univention eine Präsentation von Andreas Mantke
(Deputy of the Board at The Document Foundation) zu LibreOffice 3.5 und den darin
enthaltenen Neuerungen. Am Samstag referiert er im Forum Open Source ab 11.30 Uhr zum
Thema “LibreOffice – Die professionelle freie Community Office-Suite” und wird dabei
neben der Community auch das Programm und seine Entwicklung ansprechen.

Das Projekt LibreOffice und The Document Foundation freut sich, Sie auf der Cebit in
Halle 2, Stand D 64/2 begrüßen zu können und mit Ihnen interessante und spannende
Gespräche zu führen.

LibreOffice 3.5.1 provides additional security and stability


Berlin, March 15, 2012 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.5.1, the second version of the 3.5 family, targeting private individuals and enterprises. LibreOffice 3.5.1 fixes the majority of the most-important bugs identified by users and is expected to be appealing for most enterprises.

TDF encourages large organizations to deploy LibreOffice in conjunction with a support partner, who can assess specific requirements, help manage migration and provide bespoke fixes for identified issues. Purchasing LibreOffice support from a TDF partner provides enterprises with an indirect means to contribute financially to the project, to fund software development, to improve the stability and accelerate the growth.

“During the last month, the number of TDF hackers has overtaken the threshold of 400 code developers, with a large majority of independent volunteers and several companies paying full time hackers. In any case, the project is independent, as none of these companies employs more than 7% of the developers”, affirms Italo Vignoli, member of the Board of Directors. “Since September 2010, a monthly average of 20 new hackers has joined the project, attracted by the copyleft license, the lack of copyright assignment and a welcoming environment”.

LibreOffice 3.5.1 is available for immediate download from the following link: http://www.libreoffice.org/download/.

Change logs are available at http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/3.5.1/RC1 and http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/3.5.1/RC2.

About The Document Foundation (TDF)

The Document Foundation is an open, independent, self-governing, meritocratic organization, which builds on ten years of dedicated work by the OpenOffice.org Community. TDF was created in the belief that the culture born of an independent foundation brings out the best in corporate and volunteer contributors, and will deliver the best free office suite. TDF is open to any individual who agrees with its core values and contributes to its activities, and warmly welcomes corporate participation, e.g. by sponsoring individuals to work as equals alongside other contributors in the community. As of March 15, 2012, TDF has over 140 members and well over a thousand volunteers and contributors worldwide.

Media Contacts

Florian Effenberger (based near Munich, Germany, UTC+1)
E-mail: floeff@documentfoundation.org – Skype: floeff
Charles H. Schulz (based in Paris, France, UTC+1)
E-mail: charles.schulz@documentfoundation.org
Eliane Domingos de Sousa (based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, UTC-3)
E-mail: elianedomingos@documentfoundation.org – Skype: elianedomingos
Italo Vignoli (based in Milan, Italy, UTC+1)
E-mail: italo.vignoli@documentfoundation.org – Skype: italovignoli
GTalk: italo.vignoli@gmail.com

Full contact details: http://www.documentfoundation.org/contact/.

New and changed functions; you can experience and test them … now!


Without doubt you are very much interested in the latest news for LibreOffice and the new and improved functions that will be in the next version!
Now, this is your chance to both get to know these and to help the developers working on all this!
You can simply download the latest nightly build, and install it on your computer. It will be placed beside your current LibreOffice. (Or you may want to do a custom parallel installation.) Look at the features of your desire or that you work with most, and give some feedback. Simple as that.
Found something worth a bug-report? Then this page will help you. There also is a list with the people that are there to help you helping! For that list and for general information in LibreOffice QA, look here (warning: it’s a lot ;-) ).

Now… features and functions added or worked on recently are:

  • The file picker now has a list of bookmarks, 2012-04-02, commit message / info, related issue: –.
  • Added Presentationsize 16:9 Widescreen, 2012-04-18, commit message / info, related issue: 42986.
  • Add a “Save cell formulas” checkbox to the CSV Export panel, 2012-04-21, commit message / info, related issue: 45664.
  • Proper sort SelectionTree control of Custom Setup with a custom action for all languages, 2012-04-24, commit message / info, related issue: 46355.
  • Border width in Calc and Writer tables, lots of ongoing fixes…
  • RTF import improvements, lots of ongoing fixes…
  • Install only one language on Windows during silent install, 2012-04-25, commit message / info, related issue: 40481.
  • Enable insertion of OLE objects into external applications, 2012-04-26, commit message / info, related issue: 47944.
  • Paragraph and lists: don’t overwrite numbering properties with paragraph properties, 2012-04-26, commit message / info, related issue: –.
  • Make detection of certificate folder ui-configurable, 2012-04-27, commit message / info, related issue: 39825.
  • Ruler: implemented new design, 2012-04-27, commit message / info, related mail on the list.
  • Cleaned up command line arguments, behaviour has been changed slightly, 2012-05-02, commit message / info, related issue: –.
  • Autoformat in tables saving more information, such as column width, margins, text orientation, 2012-05-03, commit message / info, related issue: 31005.
  • Wiki-publisher: media-wiki export was broken (testing highly appreciated to add fix to 3.5 branch!), 2012-05-09, commit message / info, related issue: 46509.

This is the first post in what we expect will be a long series. We hope it’s useful and look forward to feedback, results and suggestions!

New and changed features – experience and test them now!


Hi all,

This is the second post with a list of features/functions that have been worked on recently.

We tried our best to include all the important ones and to make sure that the referred information is clear enough. But whenever you miss something: don’t hesitate to ask (via the QA mail list) if there is anything you really miss.

Just as the previous post, this all is to give you as interested users the change to take a better look at the work and provide valuable feed back for the developers.

You can simply download the latest nightly build, and install it on your computer. It will be placed beside your current LibreOffice. (Or you may want to do a custom parallel installation.) Look at the features of your desire or that you work with most, and give some feedback. Simple as that.

Now the list:

  • Writer was confused by overlapping grammar errors, 2012-05-09, commit message / info, related issue: 49605.
  • Printing from Calc: use default printer settings only when explicity mentioned., 2012-05-09, commit message.
  • Bullet lists in file saved as .doc or .docx were loaded incorrectly, 2012-05-09, related issue: 34814.
  • Color Scales are now imported from xlsx., 2012-05-10, commit message(one of the many related ones).
  • Value >12 with AM/PM can’t be clock time, 2012-05-10, commit message, related issue: 46233.
  • Import of .xls with HTML, 2012-05-10, commit message, related issue: 49639.
  • Work / improvements on fields, mostly Calc, and Draw/Impress. New is the possibility to insert 3 new fields into Calc cells via the context menu with cell in edit mode, 2012-05-11, one of the related commit messages.
  • OpenFormula function Datedif added, 2012-05-13, one of the related commit messages, related issue: 44456.
  • Fixing drawing problems with ruler, 2012-05-16, commit message / info.
  • Hight of tab pages in dialogs: changed code to allow for easier variable height, 2012-05-17, commit message / info.
  • Databars are now imported from oox, 2012-05-18, commit message / info.
  • Related to the previous: some changes to color scales – maybe interesting to look at too, 2012-05-18, commit message / info.
  • Changes with borders and more in Writer UI, 2012-05-18, commit message / info.
  • Autofilter: separators, sorting, some strings, 2012-05-18, one of the related commit messages.
  • Work around broken cups installations in complex environments, 2012-05-18, commit message / info.
  • Make that row heights (incl default row height) from excel files are saved correctly, 2012-05-22, commit message / info.
  • Changes in status bar and zoom slider, 2012-05-22, one of the related commit messages.
  • Handle columns in docx files, 2012-05-24, one of the related commit messages.
  • Improve shape position in xlsx files, 2012-05-25, one of the related commit messages, related issue: 49430.
  • Import new conditional format information for xlsx files, 2012-05-25, commit message / info.
  • Better export of images scaled in PDF export, 2012-05-28, commit message / info, related issue: 46378.
  • Better rendering of multiline input bar, 2012-05-28, commit message / info.

Found something worth a bug-report? Then this page will help you. There also is a list with the people that are there to help you helping! For that list and for general information in LibreOffice QA, look here.

Thanks a lot for your support!

LibreOffice Munich Hack-fest



The intense pace of development work on LibreOffice as we approach our 4.0 release has rather delayed an update on our recent extremely successful LibreOffice hack-fest. To give an idea of the work going on, instead of the around 1500 commits per month we normally get, we had nearly a month’s worth of commits in the last two weeks before our feature freeze, with lots of bug fixing ever since; things have been busy.

Some portion of this work was done by the more than thirty LibreOffice developers that arrived to augment the existing Munich Limux developers – who kindly hosted us. Munich is a forward looking enterprise who have deployed Linux to their fifteen-thousand users, and have committed to moving to LibreOffice.  First of all – many thanks to our friendly hosts who provided a great venue, helped feed us, so we could continue coding late into the night, and tidied up the detritus afterwards: your contribution is greatly appreciated.

It was also nice to meet a number of the Debian guys – who had a separate room for a parallel bug squashing party some of whom took an interest in and did a little LibreOffice work too. We had over thirty participants for LibreOffice alone, with other new people we’d never met before showing up and getting involved over the weekend which was particularly encouraging.

So what did we get done ?

as always with LibreOffice there were a lot of scattered improvements; you can read the full list in the wiki, but here are some highlights:

  • Miklos with Michael Stahl obsoleted a great chunk of horrible RTF filter, improved performance and should significantly improve our copy/paste behavior on windows from MS Office.
  • Robert, David, Bjoern and Norbert(remotely) helped get a staging / gerrit test site up and running to help upgrade and manage our gerrit instance (which makes contributing patches very easy)
  • Kendy made the UI for the drop-down style selector very much more attractive with live previews
  • Rob Snelders and Christine Koppelt made some great strides improving the (pretty) Bug Submission Assistant that Loic originally created to give bugzilla an end-user usable bug filing front-end.
  • Michael Meeks worked on getting to the bottom of an intermittent Java / LibreOffice crasher causing the critical Wolmux e-government plugin problems. Thanks to Andrew Haley of RedHat for fixing the underlying problem (in Java naturally).
  • Lionel and David made improvements to ‘Base’ and helped debug longer term issues
  • Thorsten worked on polishing the Android remote-control for Impress
  • Markus made conditional formatting even more beautiful and stable in Calc
  • Peter Baumgarten produced a beautiful playterm session (with video thanks to Cloph) to help people build LibhreOffice as well as some German comment translations.
  • Christina Roßmanith worked on  improvements for SVG import
  • Markus Maier translated some German code comments, and helped migrate dialogs to the new UI layout.
  • Italo Vignoli – inspired us with various kinds of wonderful Italian food.
  • and more (that was not easy to enumerate).

It was excellent to see so many friendly faces, introduce new people to the team, get people more familiar with the code, meet old friends and be encouraged about the great progress we’re making. Getting everyone to stand in one place, at the same time proved rather problematic, however here is a picture of a subset of twenty-plus happy LibreOffice contributors, and some Debian-ites:

Finally, none of this can happen without people helping to host and fund the work.  Many thanks to those who provided financial and logistical support to the enterprise – as well as our many individual donors who help support The Document Foundation’s ability to get developers together to improve their productivity.

The Limux Project: hosting and co-organising, thanks to Jan-Marek Glogowski


Thorsten Heintke – an individual donation for travel bursaries

Credativ GmbH for food and beverages


DBI Klarl & Schuler GmbH for the saturday pizza


From Zero to 300 and Climbing...


Reblogged from LibreOffice Brasil Blog:

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  • Click to visit the original post
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What has been coded in 2012? A lot.

(Brazilian developers State of the Union 2012)

It could not last too much to show up. In 2012 we were able to gather a group of volunteers developers interested in working in the code, re-factoring important parts of the code and fixing bugs. Today this group is ready to address new challenges in the code and work in its maintenance through support in level 3.

Read more… 325 more words

Olivier Hallot has published a very informative post on the Brazilian blog, about LibreOffice development in Brazil.

The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.6.6


Berlin, April 11, 2013 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 3.6.6, for Windows, MacOS and Linux, targeted to enterprises and individual end users who prefer stability to more advanced features. This new release is suited to the increasing number of organizations migrating to LibreOffice, which is steadily growing worldwide.

LibreOffice users, free software advocates and community members can support The Document Foundation with a donation. There is a donation page – with many options including PayPal and credit cards – at http://donate.libreoffice.org, to support the growth of the project in areas such as infrastructure, marketing and development of native language communities.

LibreOffice 3.6.6 is available for immediate download from the following link: http://www.libreoffice.org/download/. Extensions for LibreOffice are available from the following link: http://extensions.libreoffice.org/extension-center.

The change log – with over 50 bugs solved – is available at https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/3.6.6/RC1 (fixed in and https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/3.6.6/RC2 (fixed in

LibreOffice happy to work with Coverity Scan results


Spending part of my time to LibreOffice QA, I look over the web page displaying all the commits for LibreOffice code (1) from time to time.
The last months, I saw an large amount of commits related to ‘Coverity’. I remembered that name from years back, in the old OpenOffice.org project.
To explain: Coverity is a project that runs all kind of automated code checks, discovering typical but often hidden programming errors. Memory leaks, but also errors that may cause little, not so often encountered errors for the users. The reports from Coverity are a valuable contribution to – among others – the LibreOffice development process.

The work on using the Coverity reports for LibreOffice is done by a variety of LibreOffice developers, some on the building and testing, others on the other work to fix the issues. In the first months many hundred improvements have been made, making LibreOffice more robust, better. There are still some few thousand issues left however :-) So pls get in contact if you like to help with these improvements.

Again it’s lovely to see that core and volunteer developers work together to get thousands of improvements in the LibreOffice code.
Of course in this special case it only can be done with to the work of the Coverity team, that helps open source projects to become more stable and improve quality. Thanks a lot for that!

Studio Storti joins The Document Foundation Advisory Board to Complement the Launch of the LibreOffice Division


Berlin, September 19, 2013 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces that Studio Storti is now a member of its Advisory Board. Studio Storti is the largest provider of open source solutions to the Italian Public Administration, and is launching a LibreOffice Division to support migrations from Microsoft Office to LibreOffice.

“We have been active in the open source environment since 1997, providing added value solutions focused on the needs of the Italian Public Administration. During the last three years, we have seen a growing demand for support of migrations to LibreOffice, and we have then decided to invest in this area by launching a LibreOffice Division”, says Paolo Storti, CEO of Studio Storti. “We want to leverage the conference in Milan, where we can meet the core of the community, to strengthen the connection with developers and other key stakeholders in the LibreOffice project”.

“Studio Storti will bring to TDF Advisory Board over 15 years of experience in migrating the Italian Public Administration to open source solutions”, says Italo Vignoli, Member of TDF Board of Directors. “The announcement is extremely important for the entire ecosystem, because it shows that TDF vision of an independent project can foster the growth of third parties investing in LibreOffice. In Italy, it will be a game changer”.

TDF Advisory Board has grown to 14 members, with six new additions in the first nine months of 2013 – AMD, CloudOn, Collabora, KACST (King Abdulaziz City of Science and Technology), MIMO (French Ministries) and Studio Storti – who have joined the former members: FRODEV (Freies Office Deutschland e.V.), FSF (Free Software Foundation), Google, Intel, Lanedo, RedHat, SPI (Software in the Public Interest) and SUSE.

About Studio Storti

Study Storti is active since 1997 in the field of software consultancy, and more specifically in the design and implementation of solutions and systems based on open source technologies for the world of Italian public administrations. Today, it has over 250 customers, and has migrated to free software over 200,000 desktops. Website: http://www.studiostorti.com.

LibreOffice 4.2 International Bug Hunting Session


Berlin, December 5, 2013 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 4.2 International Bug Hunting Session, which will start on December 6th and will end on December 8th. During the three days, volunteers from all over the world will test the beta of LibreOffice 4.2 to find bugs and regressions.

LibreOffice 4.2 will be released at the end of January 2014, with a large number of new features (https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/4.2) and loads of fixed bugs. The community is working to make this major release the finest in the history of the free office suite.

In order to join the bug hunting session, volunteers should download LibreOffice 4.2 Beta 2, available from http://www.libreoffice.org/download/pre-releases/.

Mentors will be available at least from 08:00 UTC to 22:00 UTC, and will be reachable through IRC (irc://chat.freenode.net/libreoffice-qa) and the QA mailing list.

Other information on LibreOffice 4.2 International Bug Hunting Session are available at https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/BugHunting_Session_4.2.0.

Brazilian LibreOffice Community: boosting to cruise speed and reaching Latin America


2013 has been one of the best years for LibreOffice in Brazil

and it is becoming even better.

The Brazilian community outperformed itself in all kind of activities around LibreOffice and The Document Foundation during 2013. We attended ten events, signed an important agreement and got our first LibreOffice certified developer. It was also time to start looking at our neighbors in Latin America.


We participated in ten events sponsoring activities in LibreOffice. The FLISOL 2013 in Brasilia to invite new developers to join our development. The FSLDC 2013 in Duque de Caxias, promoting LibreOffice to a broad audience of users and developers. The Document Freedom Day 2013 was also coordinated by the Brazilian community in Rio de Janeiro and sponsored by SINDPD-RJ.


FSLDC Duque de Caxias


FLISOL – Brasília: Call for new developers. From left to right: Deivi Kuhn, Henderson Matsuura, Olivier Hallot


The Document Freedom Day in Rio de Janeiro. From left to right: Eliane Domingos, Marcelo Soriano and Marcio Monteiro

The Lecture Cycle of SINDPD-RJ regularly talked on LibreOffice new developments on each major release in 2013, accessing a focused set of IT professionals and FOSS advocates. The Santa Catarina State LibreOffice community also had its 2nd LibreOffice Meeting that included a hack day for students interested in starting to contribute code to LibreOffice and the SOLISC (in the same state) also had lectures on LibreOffice, lead by Klaibson Ribeiro.

Then we had our major event, FISL 14 in July 2013, where we brought Italo Vignoli, Bjoern Michaelsen and Olivier Hallot of The Document Foundation Board of Directors to lecture on LibreOffice migrations, LibreOffice community engagements and LibreOffice development. At the same event the State of Rio Grande do Sul and The Docuemnt Foundation agreed to partner  for the deployment of Open Document Formats and LibreOffice within the State public administration, aiming a few hundred thousands desktops.


FISL 2013: The State of Rio Grande do Sul adopts ODF and LibreOffice as document edition format and tool of choice.


FISL 2013: Community gathering at the largest opensource event in Brazil: From left to right: Olivier Hallot, Bjoern Michaelsen, Italo Vignoli (TDF), Dr. Richard Stallman (FSF), Eliane Domingos, Gustavo Pacheco, David Jourdain (LibreOffice community)

Next in August we had the CONSEGI, in Brasilia, where the federal public administration get together to deal with a broad set of issues related to FOSS, and where our Chairman Florian Effenberger was invited as keynote speaker, together with most of the Brazilian community to run lectures, workshops and round-tables on FOSS and LibreOffice. The Document Foundation represented by Florian and Ms Eliane Domingos received the “Demoiselle” Award in recognition of the contribtion for the communities of open source software.


CONSEGI 2013: The “Demoiselle” award for achievements in the OpenSource community to The Document Foundation (Florian Effenberger) and Eliane Domingos (LibreOffice Brazilian community)

In October, we ran the LibreOffice show and partied for its 3rd birthday in Latinoware, an event that happens in Foz do Iguaçu, in the triple border of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, sponsored by Itaipu Binacional, the company that operates the massive Itaipu hydroelectric dam. This event is a gathering of several nationals interested in promoting FOSS among their citizens and a project to translate LibreOffice to guarani, the native language of Paraguay, emerged.


Celebrating LibreOffice Anniversary in LatinoWare 2013: from left to right: Julio Neves, Eliane Domingos, Vitorio Furusho, Klaibson Ribeiro and João Fernando

Finally we attended CISL-2013, the Argentinian congress for open source in Buenos Aires to deliver 3 lectures on LibreOffice achievements, on migrations, development and community gathering, in an effort to stimulate the Argentinian community to get more active.


CISL 2013 in Buenos Aires: Olivier Hallot (TDF) sharing experience in migrations for large organizations.


All events of 2013 also aimed to harvest new developers for LibreOffice. From initial compilation to the first patches, the developer community grew in quantity and quality. We were able do send two Brazilian developers to Freiburg, Germany to participate in the Freiburg Hackfest. We were happy that Marcos Souza got his LibreOffice Developer Certification.


The high profile developer team in Freiburg Hackfest: Michael Stahl, Marcos Souza, José Guilherme Vanz, Stephan Bergman and Eike Rathke


The community also has it say in 2013. The documentation team leaded by Raul Pacheco and Vera Cavalcante finished the translation of the Writer and Calc User Manual. This is a huge effort that the Brazilian collaborators undertake to bring knowledge to end-users, not only in Brazilian Portuguese but also for the broader Portuguese-speaking community.

The LibreOffice Magazine, an e-magazine in PDF writen and edited by the Brazilian community leaded by Eliane Domingos e Vera Cavalcante, released 6 editions on time with more than 70 A5 pages each full of information on open source software in general, LibreOffice tutorials and case studies for migration and deployments. This magazine is actually edited on a collaboration basis and is not funded by advertisements or any other means. We recorded an average of 20.000 downloads of the magazine on each edition and we have 449 followers of the magazine twitter account.



Celebrating the 3rd anniversary of LibreOffice and the 1st of LibreOffice Magazine

Responding to the trend towards social networks, the community also gathered around LibreOffice in FaceBook, Twitter and Google+. In these profiles, we have 1900 followers in the LibreOffice facebook page as well as 1400 more in the LibreOffice Facebook group. On Twitter, we have 1800 followers and 1328 in Google+.

Last, but not least, the year ended with the Document Foundation Board of Director elections where our colleague Eliane Domingos was elected. That will make 2014 even better to follow!

Olivier Hallot

LibreOffice 4.2.1 is already available, to improve the experience of early adopters


Berlin, February 20, 2014 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 4.2.1, three weeks after the availability of LibreOffice 4.2. The first minor release – based on a shorter cycle than expected – solves over 100 problems, introduced by the larger than usual code refactoring of the LibreOffice 4.2 family. The changelog is available here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/4.2.1/RC1

“LibreOffice 4.2 was extremely ambitious, in terms of code refactoring. Because of this, we planned an extensive quality assurance cycle, based on automated tests followed by QA sprints in December and January, but we were not able to catch all the issues”, says Thorsten Behrens, Chairman of The Document Foundation. “Based on early adopters feedback, developers and QA experts have jumped in immediately, and have solved the most urgent problems in less than three weeks, showing the importance of our large community.”

LibreOffice 4.2.1 and LibreOffice 4.1.5 will be on stage at CeBIT in Hannover from March 10 to March 14 (Hall 6, Booth H14). In addition, Florian Effenberger and Italo Vignoli will speak about LibreOffice at the Open Source Conference.

LibreOffice 4.2.1 is immediately available for download from the following link: http://www.libreoffice.org/download/.

LibreOffice users, free software advocates and community members can support The Document Foundation with a donation at http://donate.libreoffice.org. Money collected will be used to grow the infrastructure, and support marketing activities to increase the awareness of the project, both at global and local level.

LibreOffice 4.2.4 at LinuxTag and FISL


Berlin, May 8, 2014 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 4.2.4. The software is on stage at LinuxTag in Berlin (Hall 6, Booth D06) and at FISL in Porto Alegre (Booth 36), where the community is proudly showing the latest version of the best free office suite ever.

LibreOffice 4.2.4 “Fresh” – the most feature rich version of the software – is the fourth minor release of the LibreOffice 4.2 family, and is suited for early adopters willing to leverage a larger number of innovations. For enterprise deployments and for more conservative users, The Document Foundation suggests the more mature LibreOffice 4.1.6 “Stable”.

People interested in technical details about the release can access the change logs here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/4.2.4/RC1 (fixed in RC1) and here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/4.2.4/RC2 (fixed in RC2).

Download LibreOffice

LibreOffice 4.2.4 and LibreOffice 4.1.6 are both available for download from the following link: http://www.libreoffice.org/download/. Extensions and templates to complement the installation of the software and add specific features are available here: http://extensions.libreoffice.org/.

LibreOffice users, free software advocates and community members can support The Document Foundation with a donation at http://donate.libreoffice.org. Money collected will be used to grow the project both at global and local level.

LibreOffice Conference 2014: the program of a landmark event


Berlin, August 14, 2014 – The program of the LibreOffice Conference 2014, which will be held in Bern, Switzerland, from September 3 to September 5, is now available at https://conference.libreoffice.org/2014/program. Sessions will focus on development, community, certification, migrations, training, marketing and Open Document Format (ODF).

In addition to the sessions in English, there will be a track in German focusing on open source adoptions in governments and enterprises in Switzerland, Germany and Austria: https://conference.libreoffice.org/2014/professional-user-track.

This track will be opened by Balthasar Glättli, a Member of the Parliamentary Group on Digital Sustainability, who will be followed by lectures on professional adoptions of free office suites at the Swiss Federal Court (350 jobs), in the schools of Geneva, in the city of Munich (14,000 jobs), at the LVM Insurance in Münster (13,000 jobs) and in the Austrian Ministry of Justice.

Social events will happen in the evenings of September 3, with a LibreOffice Hack Night at UniS, and September 4, with a community event and key signing party at ISC Club Bern: https://conference.libreoffice.org/2014/events.

With a forecasted attendance of 300 community members from around the world and over 70 sessions, the LibreOffice Conference will be the biggest Open Source Event in Switzerland in 2014.

The conference will be hosted by the University of Bern, and organized by CH-Open – the Swiss Open Systems User Group – and the Digital Sustainability Research Centre of the University of Bern, in coordination with The Document Foundation. The track in German will be organized by the Working Group on OSS of the Swiss IT Conference SIK and the Working Group on Office Interoperability of the Open Source Business Alliance.

LibreOffice Conference 2014 is generously supported by the Hasler Foundation and the Civic Community of Bern, and sponsored by:

Platinum: CloudOn, Collabora and Google;

Gold: adfinis SyGroup, Canonical, CIB labs, ITOMIG and Studio Storti;

Silver: Apertura, FOX, Igalia, OpenSUSE, Puzzle ITC, ritualis and Univention.

Local Contacts:

Matthias Stürmer, +41 76 368 81 65, matthias.stuermer@iwi.unibe.ch

Christa Ammann, +41 78 646 83 09, c.ammann@brief.li

LibreOffice 4.3.2 hits the marketplace just before the fourth anniversary of the project


happybirthdayBerlin, September 25, 2014 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 4.3.2, the second minor release of LibreOffice 4.3 “fresh” family. Most of the over 80 fixes focus on interoperability issues when reading or writing Microsoft Office DOCX, XLSX and PPTX files.

LibreOffice 4.3.2 hits the marketplace just before the fourth anniversary of the project on Sunday, September 28, 2014. The community has been growing for the past 48 months, attracting at least three new developers per month plus a larger number of volunteers active in localization, QA and other areas such as marketing and development of local communities.

With localizations available in over 100 languages, LibreOffice can be utilized in the native language by almost 5 billion people worldwide. “LibreOffice has a key role in reducing the digital divide in countries where the native language is not English”, says Eliane Domingos, a Brazilian native, Deputy Chairman of The Document Foundation. “As a foundation independent from software vendors, we have the privilege of being able to look after user interests instead of running after sales targets or quarterly earnings releases”.

People interested in technical details about the release can access the change logs here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/4.3.2/RC1 (fixed in RC1) and https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/4.3.2/RC2 (fixed in RC2).

Download LibreOffice

LibreOffice 4.3.2 “Fresh” and LibreOffice 4.2.6 “Still” are immediately available for download from the following link: http://www.libreoffice.org/download/.

LibreOffice users, free software advocates and community members can support The Document Foundation with a donation at http://donate.libreoffice.org.

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